Why we don’t remember people’s faults when they die

When someone dies, Jews respond in sympathy with “May his/her memory be for a blessing.”  Orthodox Christians respond with “Memory eternal”. Others say simply “Rest In Peace.”

What I find interesting is why we tend not to remember people’s faults once they die.  Oh yes, this person was a curmudgeon, or that person was critical, but the comments have usually lost their sting.  Perhaps this is because we are no longer experiencing these negative aspects.

Perhaps there is another reason as well: have we forgiven this person their faults?  Can we now just love them?

I believe this works best in abstract, but not so well with our parents.  Even when our parents pass on, we often still harbor the resentments, angers, and negative lessons they instilled in us. These are often hidden messages that affect us subconsciously.

Through the Process you can uncover the hidden messages, work through them, and really forgive your parents. It’s quite a journey, and it doesn’t have to wait until your parent dies.  You will then be able to honestly feel that the memory of your parents is both eternal and truly for a blessing.
